November 10, 2010

Pony up!

So does anyone want to buy in for a winner-takes-all prize at the end? I think it would be extra incentive to stay true to our challenge. I can collect if anyone is game.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I pitch in but probably wouldn't compete. As I said in my goals, losing body fat% isn't really a primary goal of mine. I'm more concerned with gaining the lean muscle mass.

  3. Hmm, I am curious how we would define a "winner" - I would agree that simply using percent of body fat lost is perhaps too simple a metric, and not focusing on the Big Goal which is (for me at least) to learn to Eat Good Food.
    Anyone want to geek out and write an equation that balances loosing fat with gaining lean muscle mass? It still doesn't take the mental component into account but I don't think including that part in an equation based metric is feasible.

  4. I would do it but I don't know what coefficients I could assign to each. I assume losing bf(body fat)% is easier than gaining lmm(lean muscle mass) so they would need to be weighted differently. if someone could provide me w/ a ratio I can get this done quick.

  5. The last group did total %BF lost was the winner. Kim suggested doing a % of % lost so the playing field would be evened out for the guys. Here is what she posted on WCCF website discussion board:

    "If we do % of % lost, it evens out the field a a lot more, especially for the guys who generally have lower body fat than women. For example, if you have 30% body fat and get it down to 24%, it means you lost 20% of your total fat. However, if you went from 15% to 9%, you still decreased by 6 percentage points, but you lost 40% of your total fat. Big difference."

    So basically you divide the %lost by the total percentage of body fat you started with. Not sure what to tell you Nimblies....if you don't have fat to lose then probably wouldn't be worth it for you to participate in that part of the challenge (unless you get that equation figured out of course). :-)

    Nobody HAS to enter, just thought it could be another motivating factor. $$$ talks!

  6. well I'm down for % of % if you guys are

  7. What about something like a % of %, with some sort of bonus for gains in lean body mass?

    Another thought is to do something like rewarding the person who got closest to their goal. This would help all of us to set and reach for achievable goals. Everyone could post their specific goal in terms of body fat, lean body mass, or a % of one of these.

    For example, let's say my body fat was 25% and my goal was 20% (5 points decrease). At the end of the challenge, I got to 21% (4 points decrease). That means 80% to goal (4 divided by 5).

    Of course, we'd have to instill a "Price Is Right" clause that it's the closest to goal without going over. Otherwise we'd have sandbaggers.

    Oh, and yes, I'd be happy to keep the spreadsheet stats going and do the calcs.


  8. Let's keep it simple and go for % of % lost.

    I have no goals in terms of how much I will lose - ESP this first time. My goals are about the things I can control (sleep, food intake, hitting the box ...). Trying not to make this all about numbers on a scale, and about getting healthy.

  9. I'm in for % of %.
    HOLLY - I am leaving Robb's book for you at the gym. I am going to put it under the whiteboard

  10. Got it thanks! Got your buy in too, might just be us! If anyone else wants in for sure let me know! I will repost something in a week or so to remind everyone.
