November 10, 2010

Glad to see that....

Burbs (aka Downtown aka DT aka Joel) is back up and posting! ;) We always need someone to smash our dreams of a succussful paleo challenge. Just remember that everyone is different and each individual has different needs and goals.

Troll for Joel...

1. I think that eating Paleo 100% contributed to the fact that I am the strongest I have ever been and was able to hit lifetime PR's at the meet. Discuss away... :)


  1. If throwing a bit of science and proven fact around here and there is smashing dreams, well then let's build our dreams on rock and not sand.

    I found crossfit and then oly because of such challenges to my previous bullshit way of thinking about diet and exercise. I think most crossfitters enjoy and welcome debate, but there are a select few who just enjoy following and not reasoned, thoughtful approaches. Some people search and reason for a lifetime, some people close themselves off and say "LALALALA I don't want to hear it" when they don't find that everyone agrees with them 100%. I do not think that is any of you who I know, therefore I feel free to post here ad libitum.

    "Just remember that everyone is different and each individual has different needs and goals."
    Agree 100%.

    Re: 1) Congrats on being a strong badass mofo, and beware of confirmation bias.

  2. I'm probably in the same camp as DT in many respects. I don't really believe that if I eat one cookie or a piece of bread than it will have a big physiological affect on me. However, in my mind, that is not what the paleo challenge is about. It is more of a mental challenge, can you break these addictions? If asked do you have the will power to say no?

    I also agree with DT that the all or nothing mindset, is taxing. If you are of this mindset then you need to understand and be capable of handling the possibility of failure. When you say I'll go paleo for 60 days and on day 7 you have a cookie there are two ways you can handle this. One say "I wasn't strong enough I can't do paleo." or you can accept that you ate a cookie and redouble your efforts.

  3. I look at this challenge as a bit of a science experiment, with one major missing piece -- the control. A control is really tough to get with humans and nutrition. After all, we're all, well, human! No one will follow this perfectly to a T. Further, each of us has different nutrition requirements based on our own individual physiologies, exercise frequency, goals, etc. etc. and each will react a bit differently to this way of eating. However, posting our learnings along the way can be helpful/insightful to others and also cathartic. Naysayers welcome! If it's not working, share it! If it is working, share it! We are all a sample size of 1.
