November 11, 2010

3 Days ... just three days

So far things have been going well. Yesterday I hit a wall where I really should have eaten before OLY, but made it through OK. (OK = resisting the temptation to stuff my face into a large pizza, or even slipping [diving] face first into the pastries at Whole Foods ...)

Thankfully, I feel uber prepared for the conference/retreat I'm running tonight and tomorrow. However, knowing the menu, I am packing a cooler. Thankfully the place we are going to has a kitchen, so I can do some food prep on my own.

Thursday lunch - planning on grabbing a salad somewhere on the road. (Usually this is my twice a year stop a great burger joint on the way ... resistance is not futile!)
Thursday dinner - salad, chicken (packing some of the pre-cooked stuff from TJs), mushrooms, peppers

Friday breakfast - eggs / bacon
Friday lunch - salad, as above
Friday dinner - will probably go out with co-workers, this will be my first test of seeking to eat paleo out.

Saturday breakfast - eggs / bacon
Saturday lunch - salad on the road
Saturday dinner - will be back, think i will go with a hamburger (sans bun of course) ...

snacks: carrots and almond butter. yum. also some dried veggie chip things (only questionable ingredient was "dextrose", but think someone said that was ok???)
emergency snack: i made a choice and bought some Larabars (don't judge, I have had a trunk full of chocolate crap riding around with me the last two days. I will have to assemble into 55 little baggies to give away -- all the while resisting the temptation to dig in). It's a choice. Bite me.

Ok ... at least I have a plan.


  1. Way to plan Anja! Not sure about dextrose though. I'm speaking from a medical point of view but we give dextrose solution to patients who need nutrition but can't eat....(my understanding is that it is basically pure glucose!) Might want to check into that further?

  2. KUDOS to you for having a plan!
    and FYI Dextrose is sugar. I'm a firm believer in everyone defining their own diet - so if you are going zero tolerance on added sugars, that product is out. But if you are accepting some added sugars on a case-by-case basis or just to not go bonkers, its up to you.
    For example, my almond butter has a bit of sugar in it but I don't actually care. I only eat almond butter with fruit so I'm already insulin spiking.

  3. I dont care what anyone thinks, Lara bars are a SAVIOR. Eat them right up!
