October 26, 2010

Alton Brown

Okay, who loves Alton? I seriously think he is pretty cool. If you are not familiar with Alton Brown, then google the dude, his cooking show is based on 1 part science, 1 part cooking and 1 part Monty Python and I have always found him to be entertaining.

In the last few months, I've noticed that AB has lost a significant amount of weight and was worried something was wrong, but could never find anything online other then speculation...until last night. He had a Good Eats episode on called Live and Let Diet and he explained why he choose to lose 50 lbs and how he did it. Again, that is 50 lbs in 9 months, pretty significant especially for someone who works with food daily and probably has daily invites to the best restaurants wherever he goes.

Pre AB

Post AB

I bring this up because after tomorrow it's up to us on how to proceed with our diets, do we do paleo 80/20 and does that even work? Or do we allow a cheat day or cheat weekend and am I strong enough to not eat three times as many calories on the weekend vs. during my paleo week? Do I add back dairy/sweets/grain and how do I do this without making myself sick? I'm afraid that I'm going to eat back all my fat loss like I did this summer.

Alton doesn't follow the paleo diet, but he doesn't eat dairy or processed sugar. He also chooses to only eat red meat once a week and is very strict about what he allows to go through his body.

Here is his breakdown:

daily 3x/week 1x/week 0x/week
whole grains
leafy greens
green tea
oily fish
sweet potato
red meat
fast food
processed meals
canned soups
“diet” anything

I don't think I could be this strict with how I eat every week, as it would take the fun out of eating and ya'all (shout out to Mo) know how I love to cook and eat everything. But again, maybe it's worth a shot to begin with, mostly the 1 x week list and eat read meat more liberally. Just thought it was interesting and wanted to hear what others are thinking of trying after tomorrow night.


  1. I think I am going to continue as I have through this challenge - which is pretty much 95-97% paleo. I am going to continue with no to VERY limited dairy - including not using cream when I cook and avoiding cheese like the plague. Regarding sweets - I plan to limit myself to paleo treats, which I have found to be pretty darn good. Every now and then I may have bread (gasp!), but only the best kind (i.e. fresh baked, warm, in a basket with liberal amounts of butter). Not sure if I am going to go back to beer. That's a tough one as I do enjoy beer - but I certainly think I can avoid it/limit it at least until warmer weather is here. Winter is more conducive to red wine anyway... :-)

    I guess I will see where I am tomorrow before I make any final decisions.....

  2. BTW - I think post AB looks terrible. Too thin.
