September 23, 2010

so many options

barely able to wake up today and feeling lethargic. this thursday morning funk could be due to many things:

(1) meeting lasting until 10:30 pm last night;
(2) only time for a small salad (spinach, broccoli, chicken, boiled eggs, blueberries, celery, shaved almonds, vinegar/oil dressing) for dinner last night, (delicious, but too small, sadly);
(3) not working out for like 5 days due to, as J$ put it, tattoo mirror-gazing (i'm addicted to that post-metcon rush, i guess);
(4) no diet coke;
(5) being told by an unnamed, sort of queeny equinox trainer that if i don't have visible abs at 9% body fat, i never will; or
(6) realizing that i won't get to suffer along with all the FGB Vers at the last big WCCF bash at the old box.

any one or all of these things could be the reason my cafe americano is not working this morning. hopefully the day's work will snap me out of it!

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