September 23, 2010

Ahhh Detox, I must do this more often.......

Today was rough, not from a food stand point, but I'm starting to feel like I'm going through detox. I had headaches today, it was hard to concentrate and I'm feeling very sleepy but the cravings were not there today, so that was good. My body really hurts right now, I just took a bath in epsom salt, Annie kicked my ass and I couldn't even do it as rx'd. Annie + a shit load of squats = sore lower body. Did Tuesday's WOD today with Yaz and Alycia, I'm expecting my upper body to be sore tomorrow. Lovely.

Beck, we must be on the same wave length because on my way home from WCCF I stopped by WF to pick up some Natural Calm. I love this shit, my brother turned me onto it last fall. Take it about 30 minutes before you go to sleep and do not take too much or you will poop the bed. I do not have a problem with sleeping, but it makes me feel great, a natural high sort of how I picture John Denver as he played the guitar.

So back to WF, it's funny because I do generally eat healthy, minus this past summer and now that we are on this challenge, I am finding myself picking up everything I purchase and reading the labels and going through several different brands before I find products made without added sugar, evaporated cane juice, soy, etc. I was really disappointed because I needed more sun butter and the brand I usually buy,, has evaporated cane juice in it AKA sugar. The only three types that WF had was creamy, natural and natural crunch, so I'm not sure about the organic unsweetened but that is not the kind I usually purchase. Balls man....the only one that did not have added sugar or soy was 10.99 for a small jar. Has anyone tried or found coconut butter? I heard that was really good and is paleo but just couldn't find it at my WF.

The food was the same today, did well and I cut my unsweetened ice tea out, maybe that is why I'm feeling crappy. I did have nitrate free, organic pork sausage with sauerkraut for dinner, just to mix it up a little.

Beck, how about natural organic beef jerky? homemade kale chips? berries? I know how tough it is when you are constantly moving. I'll let you know when I think of more things.



  1. Ashley,

    You're right, the only brand of sunbutter that doesn't have added sugars is the "organic" brand. It still tastes delicious. I know you can order online.. As for the coconut butter, it is also amazing! I've got some at whole foods before...check the baking aisle or wherever they keep coconut oil). The Artisan brand is out, they also make a cocao coconut butter that is to die for:)

    Keep up the great work you guys!!!

  2. Crap! I have been eating that dumb sunbutter with the added sugar! Luckily in very limited quantities but still! I might have to look into the organic and coconut butter as well....

  3. Yaz, seriously read all of your labels when you are cooking as almost everything even organic has added sugar in it. You got to weed through that stuff, I mean honestly I spent 10 minutes going through different tomato sauces at WF last Sunday until I found the right one.


  4. Man - sugar is so insidious. Luckily, the sunbutter has been the only "processed" (store bought) thing I have eaten this week. Everything else was cooked from scratch.

  5. Is anyone here doing carb refeeds?

    Ashley, if you feel like crap, you should probably up your carbs since you're doing intense WODs like Annie.

    Since you all seem to like Mark Sisson, read this article:

    Sisson refers his readers to two other authors/bloggers that are very knowledgeable and helpful if your goal is to get lean. Lyle McDonald and Martin Berkhan.

    I know some of you are not interested in nutrition science, but those are honestly two great sites and I recommend them highly.

    Good luck!

  6. DT, I did not eat enough carbs on Wednesday nor did I get enough fat. I'm still trying to figure out these equations through trial and error.


  7. I like both of those blogs. Martin Berkham believes in eating carbs and does Lyle MacDonald. I believe we are all an experiment of one (n=1). I try to avoid grains and dairy because that what works for me. But I do need some grains for some personal reasons. However, as this is a Paleo challenge (right) I am cutting the carbs unless they are veg or fruit.

  8. Thanks for the links DT. Unfortunately, according to Sisson, I should not yet avail myself of carb re-feeding. Although I have not felt incredibly tired yet either. As Beck said n=1!
