December 6, 2010


So I wanted to do this burpee challenge as paleo as possible. I showed up with a gallon jug of water, a large container of coconut water, and a few of the lowest-sugar-no-peanut-gluten-free bars I could find. I came in unprepared I guess, I had only had like half a chicken and a squash the night before, wasn’t properly hydrated, but I still felt fine even when my elbow gave out. The rest of my body and mind were fine. The only reason I mention this, is because when I used to ride (centuries on a bike) I would glurp back gels and sports drink all day, hardly getting any real food. Maybe it was a mindset thing, maybe it was the proper nutrition or “real food” but my body felt fine nutrition wise.

Used the rest of my beef to make a different beef stew recipe I found online. Oh, and I experimented with coconut oil for the first time yesterday too. The flavor is not as overpowering as I thought it would be, and Jean (my gf who dislikes coconut) didn’t mind the sweet undertone. It also worked well when prepping my chicken for lunch today, although its pricey for the benefits.

I’m still having some issues with having protein prepared to take in asap after a WOD, and its more like 30 minutes post workout when I do take it in. That’s not ideal, but what are the opinions of having real food on a delay vs. something like whey, instantly?

My flight on the 19th is at 1:15 in the afternoon, and I plan on getting reasonably plastered the night before for a "classy event". So that being said, you all should be lucky enough to see me strip down in Doogies apt.

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