September 26, 2010

Still need to eat more and Red wine is calling

It's been a crazy week for me and in the tough moments, I did well.  In the still, small quiet moments when craziness subsided is when the most difficulty came for me.  In those moments, red wine, left over from last week, was calling my name.  It harmonized with the stash of dark, dark chocolate.  I didn't even crave it - until I saw it.  I saw them.   Fuckers.

I'm still working on getting enough calories into me in a timely manner. Didn't eat until 2:30pm post Oly workout.  This was not a planned fast however.  I made the right choice and got a Costco pre-cooked Chicken. I had some errands to run and was out on and about.  I hope that no one saw that crazy, post work out blonde destroying a whole chicken in the car.  Yep, it was me.  Instead of a hot dog, smoothie, etc, I got the chicken, without a fork.  I dug into it cavewoman style.  And it was freaking great!

Post foodgasm:  A wet wipe from my purse (thanks kids) toothpick and piece of gum.  I chased it down with some water and a few baby carrots I had in my purse (felt I needed some sugar to facilitate the protein breakdown, amino acid feed into the cells).  Time to reload the purse with portable quick paleo food.  
My bday is coming and I cannot fathom turning away a Dinkel's cupcake. Or skipping some celebratory imbibing when Leo, Doogie, Cheston and McLar win the effing Oly/CF tournament.  Nuff said. 

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