September 22, 2010

Oh No She Dih Ehnt?! Beck

Still kind of struggling with some hodge-podge paleo eating on the fly. Crazy schedule. Some major life stressors but good stuff too. My house sold! (Inspection Sat. Fingers crossed).

I got to Oly last night which improved my spirits greatly. Let's all take a moment to marvel at the strength of the competitors: Doogie, Leo, Cheston and McLar. They are effing strong! Leo's butterfly pulls are smoking fast too (cant' wait to see the singlets).

3 slices of bacon (I was a snob until I ran out of time, the microwave works great)

1 apple with Sun butter and small handful of almonds
1 round of bonnie bell cheese
Red eye coffee (Mama likes the red eye)

Lunch (working lunch)
handful of almonds
Apple slices
Bonnie Bell Cheese round

Stir fry of beef, onion and green beans. I have a great beef/broccoli recipe I use, but had green beans or asparagus... Green beans won out.

I'm snack mom this week for my 7 year old's classroom. Indigo and I bonded making banana bread. I had to work thru lunch and work late and was late picking up the kids from their after school program so the fact that I ate anything "real" is true dedication - and planning.

Autumnal weather and a house smelling of homemade banana bread crafted with love and over-ripe bananas - oh my. It smelled great. Did I knock some back with a nice Wine Wednesday Zinfandel?.... Negative. Holla (Oreo shake incident yesterday must have been flat out rebellion if I'm foregoing this sweetness).

I'm going to bed NOW so I'm out of the line of sight of temptation. It's one small choice away. Or one small victory. But, dang, it does smell good.

In the meantime, my self talk has been encouraging and telling me that I'm leaner and my clothes fit looser. I had better hurry up and get weighed and measured! Good job everyone.

And because misery loves company.... Collin, I see your Diet Coke and raise you a banana bread.

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