November 9, 2010


Now that the color has returned to my face and I don't feel like I'm starving today, I'm feeling insanely thirsty today. The amount of water I've drank to the amount I've excreted is equal to a hangover day. What gives?

BTW, my mom is doing paleo and crossfit down in Orlando. They aren't as cool as WCCF and don't have supportive blogs like this so she is reading ours. Say hello to Mama KG!


  1. Welcome Mama KG!
    Jonina, regarding your thirst, what have you been eating? Not sure about any paleo/thirst connection.

  2. How's your salt intake?

    Come to think of it, I too have been more thirsty than usual.

    And way to go to your mom. That's great!

  3. Thanks ladies! Yesterday I had eggs with spinach for breakfast, salmon and carrots for lunch, chicken and a salad for dinner. Add some almonds and walnuts, pear and lara bar. So far I've been less thirsty today....?

  4. The thirst is a byproduct of KETOSIS. Basically, your liver is converting fats into fatty acids, during which ketone bodies are released to serve as energy sources. You are metabolizing fats - a process that occurs due to lack of carbohydrates in the body. This is not a bad thing and actually something I went through as well. he good news? Once your body gets used to paleo, it passes. Hang in there!!
