November 19, 2010

Pony up! part duex

Did we come to a consensus about whether we are betting and on what?


  1. i gave holly 20 bucks to buy into % of % fat lost

  2. I'll pony up, but don't think I know who holly is. and think more people wanted to do % of % fat loss. I'm down with that!

  3. I'll pay in too - just let me know to who! If its Holly, Anja I'll point her out to you.

  4. Yep, I'll collect if anyone is still interested or one of you can collect too. Actually, I will probably not be working out at my normal time in the evenings as I am starting a new rotation with ridiculous hours tomorrow so that might be better if someone else can. Or, I can check with the coaches and see if we can keep an envelope in the office?
