September 26, 2010

Yikes that is a lot of food

I used a calorie calculator website today and could not believe how much food I will need to eat just to try and make it to 3000 calories. I am going to be eating all day long. Not to mention hemorrhaging cash every time I head to the grocery store. 5 eggs every morning, 1 half of a chicken every lunch and that does no include all of the extras that I will have to put down in order to make it across the finish line. My God.


  1. I figured you had to intake at least 3000 but wanted to go home and crunch the numbers for you. I'm so glad you did it yourself and realized that you've been starving yourself. Burning fat, and unfortuantely, muscle.

    From the numbers, looks like the men are putting on lean muscle (difficult) and the girls are going to shed their fat stores (difficult). Both equally difficult.

    Good luck with the eats Dingo. I've also had to up my cal intake. This was frightening to me. I realized you can't hit your mark dead on. You will gain fat or lose muscle. Your choice. You are lean enough that you can put on some flab, but it won't be much.

    Sean McGovern is also an AWESOME resource.

    Let us know if you keep getting sleepy. I can't wait to hear how your week goes!

    BTW: Costco has some of the best pre-cooked chicken around. It's foodgasmic. And only 5 bucks.

  2. Dingo-Have you thought about trying to zone your paleo? It may be a little easier than counting calories... maybe not... I'm with Beck... Sean would be able to chime in for sure
