October 18, 2010

Ugh... something is off... way off

I feel awful... I don't know what it could possibly be. I have been doing this paleo thing for so long that it is a breeze to get back into a routine. However, I am full-tilt exhausted all day! I even took a 2 hour nap today and no help! It is possible that I need to get more sleep... I'll check into that. Hmmm. I'm not getting to the gym regularly either (I hate the commute). Nothing is changing in the body comp either... I know I didn't do a mid-challenge pinch so I can be wrong-ish... but I usually notice a difference. ARGH! So frustrated.

OK... I am going to get back into strict logging of food, water, sleep, stress, activity, supplements and etc. There has to be something I am missing.

I also ran out of my Fish Oil and I have been taking another (capsule form) brand for now? Speaking of Fish Oil...

Fish Oil Calculator:

Fish Oil Comparison:

I personally take Carlson's Finest Fish Oil... The EPA is 800 DHA is 500 per tsp. I usually take 6tsp/per day but Lately I have been slipping on the sleep and paleo so I have been taking 9.


  1. That fish oil calculator is anywhere from kinda to complete bullshit. 2-3g of actual epa+dha is the most common recommendation.

    Try http://www.bodyrecomposition.com/nutrition/qa-2.html.

    And remember, "...higher doses are not better here (although some are currently recommending absurd amounts). Excessive fish oil can impair the body’s ability to mount a proper immune response, as well as impairing insulin release."

    See also

    which references:
    Thies F, et al. Dietary supplementation with eicosapentaenoic acid, but not with other longchain n-3 or n-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids, decreases natural killer cell activity in healthy subjects aged >55 y. Am J Clin Nutr. 2001 Mar;73(3):539-48.


    Rees D, et al. Dose-related effects of eicosapentaenoic acid on innate immune function in healthy humans: a comparison of young and older men. Am J Clin Nutr. 2006 Feb;83(2):187-8.

  2. Joel! Thank you... I only had a chance to skim these but I think they are very helpful. I might be consuming wayyyy too much! I'm gonna take a read a little later today and post my opinions if anyone cares.

  3. I have questioned how much fish oil I should consume for a while now. Thanks Joel for the articles. And, I just ordered some Carlson Super Fish Oil today on Amazon, they have great deals of that stuff.

  4. Ash -
    How much fish oil do you take a day?

  5. I take 1000 mg a day. I would quote Dr. Oz, but then I risk humiliation from Burbs (formerly known as DT).

    How much do you take Yaz?

  6. If you believe the Weston a Price folks, our Carlson/Nordic naturals brands are crap because the fat soluble vitamins are removed and synthetics added. I'm about to spend an insane amount of money on fermented fish oil with minimal processing- anything to improve my kids health. But I have to say that I feel like they are playing me. I just ordered raw butter oil as well to add to the mix.

  7. I found this stuff online today:


    All of the ingredients are clean and it's highly concentrated and comes in flavors.

  8. Ash... Interesting find! I tried looking it up for outside reviews but didn't really find much more about it. I think it is worth a try. I did see that if you use the code "virtuosity" at checkout that you get 10% off... worth a try right?

    OK... and I took some time to look at the articles, do some research myself and mull it all over. I'm changing my current ratios but still using the above calculators because of a couple reasons...

    #1... I did a lil research on Lyle McDonald from the first site linked and was very impressed with what I found. I will be reading a little more into him soon. Basically, I think I need to read more than the linked synopsis on fish oil because the guy is very educated. (So, I will be dropping to the .25 ratio level on my calculator... which coincidentally puts me in line exactly where Lyle says)

    #2 The second article actually falls right in line with my new dosage calculation... one thing I see missing is the needs of different people (sizes, conditions and etc.)

    #3 the second article has to do with Fish Oil's effects on weight loss... I take it for recovery mostly... It has always worked to help aid recovery when I am working out particularly hard.

    #4 I may pass on supplementing with fish oil most days because I eat strictly Grass-Fed meats, Wild caught salmon & omega-3 eggs... I'm really going to look into how much more I really need... even Robb Wolf says it may not be necessary

    #5 the super high dosage calculations aren't meant for the long term... It is really to get started...

    #6 Truthfully... it has worked for me up until this point.
