September 29, 2010

Day 11 and the Makings of a Yaz-aster

Day 11 in the books and this paleo thing is truly becoming more of a lifestyle (as opposed to a death march). That said, I face my biggest challenge yet tomorrow. More on that later....

Today was awesome. Breakfast was the standard egg and bacon. Lunch was Ashley's delicious meatball recipe in a bit of sugar free, organic, blah blah blah tomato sauce with an apple and the ever present banana/date muffin. Felt awesome all day though I did get a little hungry before today's WOD. I blame that on a colleague stealing all my almonds. Grrrrr. Dinner was a brand new recipe straight from Sheena's cookbook - a little chicken curry in a coconut sauce. It was fan--freaking-tastic and will definitely become a dinner staple in the Mancini house. Dingo actually dumped the leftover sauce on Ashley's meatballs and even that was great! More muffins for dessert....

I think the biggest thing I have learned so far is that one paleo size does not fit all. If the goal is to decrease fat and/or increase lean muscle mass you need to find what works for you. I have also learned that my husband can eat insane amounts of chicken when forced. Look out Joey Chestnut!!

As for has the makings of a Yaz-aster. The conference circuit I sometimes frequent will be in Chicago and finding a trial attorney who doesn't drink is like finding sunscreen on Snooki. Did I mention it happens to be Wine Week at Smith and Wollensky where I will be eating lunch? And let's not forget the cocktail party tomorrow night. Ugh. While I know I will be able to eat properly the siren song of wine calls....


  1. The curry looks freakin fantastic. Please share the recipe! I love curries!

  2. Hey Beck! It was super easy. I used about a pound (maybe more) of chicken breasts and thighs, salted/peppered and cut into strips. Brown that in some olive oil and remove from pan. Then add some more olive oil and sautee 2 diced onions and 3 finely diced garlic clove until soft. Add 2 Tbl. of thai red curry paste and 1 tsp of turmeric, mix together for a minute. Then add a can of coconut milk and 12 fresh bay leaves and simmer for about 15 minutes. I added the chicken back in for the simmering part. It was good!!!

  3. What brand of curry paste did you use? I've heard the Thai Kitchen is just "eh", so I wasn't sure if you had a better option.

  4. Used Thai kitchen and it was pretty good! Perhaps the added turmeric helped. I usually make my own curry spice mix but the thai jitchen curry one was delish.
